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Nutrition Education



Relative to its size, Uganda has a large population (34.5 million) and a high population growth rate of 3.2% compared to the world average of 1.2%. Uganda is generally considered self-sufficient in terms of food production. However, Uganda still grapples with high costs of certain foods as well as distribution challenges that lead to acute seasonal and chronic year-round under nutrition and food insecurity. Subsequently, children become severely malnourished due to poor diets that result from suboptimal maternal feeding practices as well as the high disease burden resulting from malaria, diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, and worm infestations.

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ARUD's Approach

At the start of the Nutrition education project, community mapping and baseline studies were carried out in May 2018. The baseline study showed that there are high levels of stunting at 39.7% in Kasese and 30.1% in Kyenjojo both in Western Uganda for children less than 6-23 months. The 2016 Uganda Health and Demographic Survey puts the stunting levels in Tooro where Kasese and Kyenjojo are found at 40.6% which is the highest in the country compared to 29% national averge. The project goal is to improve nutrition outcomes in 12,310 households through adoption of agro-biodiversity and improved dietary diversity at the intra household level.

This is being promoted in two sub-counties; Ibanda-Kyanya Town Council and Bugoye sub-county in Kasese and Nyabuharwa in Kyenjojo district through the following interventions:

• Building capacities among local leaders and district level service providers to trigger and maintain demand for intra household dietary diversity at scale

• Promoting behavioral change at intra household level through communication targeted on the benefits of dietary diversity, nutrition and agro biodiversity

• Strengthening nutrition-sensitive agriculture production and innovation systems

• Strengthening national governance capacity for intra household dietary diversity and improved nutrition

Volunteer Opportunities

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