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Community-based HIV/AIDS Education
One of the specific objectives of ARUD is to provide community awareness on the HIV/AIDS pandemic. More specifically, its mission is to provide support and guidance and to co-ordinate, regulate and promote quality information flow and dissemination about the pandemic to network with national and international non governmental organizations and government agencies in fighting the pandemic.
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected all sectors in Uganda, including that of education,especially in terms of educational demand, supply and quality. This constitutes a major threat to the achievement of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Education for All (EFA) goals. National success in the fight against HIV/AIDS is attributed, among other aspects, to good and committed leadership, effective policies and sustained advocacy. These elements form a strong foundation for a successful response to the epidemic.The education sector information that is available suggests that policy, leadership and advocacy issues are not documented or analyzed with respect to the welfare of teachers, managers, support staff and learners living with HIV/AIDS, mainstreaming and co-ordination of HIV/AIDS in the sector, project and program reviews held at ARUD and the HIV/AIDS policy and personnel issues.The Policy provides legitimacy for integrating HIV/AIDS in the organization core program areas, sectors, and committing resources through the usual budget allocation, as well as providing a mechanism for ensuring that actors are accountable to the wider community. Leadership forms the driving force for implementation, monitoring and evaluation through inspiring the desired vision and mobilizing both human and financial resources to implement that vision.
Impact of ARUD’s Initiatives
It is the view of ARUD that no significant innovation or major institutional change can come about without sustained and committed leadership. Advocacy, in the context of this action program initiative, is an organized form of energetic communication, lobbying or active promotion of specific principles or practices. In the context of HIV/AIDS sector-specific needs, advocacy provides the necessary energy for articulating those needs, whilst also putting in place a framework for collaboration, both within and without the sector. Since all three are critical to the success of HIV/AIDS responses, this investigation is felt to be both necessary and timely.The high prevalence and incidence rates of HIV/AIDS have a lot of bearing on the side of community development. The trainings of teachers in schools and pupils on HIV/AIDS has reduced AIDS-related illness and death, since most sector workers fall within themost highly affected age group. Parents are similarly affected, which has implications for learners, as they may be kept out of school to take care of sick family members. Learners also drop out of school if their families cannot afford fees due to reduced income as a result of AIDS illness or death. All of these social and economic processes have a potentially devastating impact on the education sector in terms of demand for the supply and quality of education.
A health project officer sensitizing the community about various methods to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and other STDS at Ibanda Catholic Church.
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